
A Few Facts About Bail Bonds

A Few Facts About Bail Bonds

Glendale Bail Bonds

A Comprehensive Guide to Bail Bonds

It’s quite possible you’ve heard someone mention they’ve been “bailed” out of jail, or “bonded” out of jail. Bail bonds can be quite confusing. Actually, bail and a bond are not the same thing. The words are often used interchangeably, and thus people often misunderstand the definitions of bail, bond, and a bail bond.

Bail vs. Bond

Bail simply put is money. It’s a fee that’s paid by the accused to be released from jail. The bond is an agreement between the defendant and the court, whereby the defendant agrees to appear in court on a specific date.

After an accused is arrested, a court officer (i.e. a judge) will stipulate a bail amount on a conditional basis (the bond agreement), or deny the accused bail. Remember, bail is the fee that the accused must pay to be released. The bail will usually be paid by the accused’s lawyer, friend or family member on behalf of the defendant.

Bond Agents

It’s important for citizens to know how to bail someone out of jail, but not every state offers bail. The states that do not offer bail currently are Massachusetts, Maine, Oregon, Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Washington, D.C.

Bail is often too expensive for the average citizen, and thus the representative of the defendant (family member, friend or lawyer) will contact a bail bond agent on behalf of the defendant. The bond agent will post the full amount of bail on the defendant’s behalf. Essentially, a bond agent offers a payment option for bail. The agent also takes responsibility for ensuring the defendant will honor their bond agreement in exchange for paying the full bail amount.

Selecting the Right Bail Bond Agent

Though the goal of most bail bonds in Los Angeles is to ensure that the defendant honors their bond agreement between with the court, it’s also imperative that the those acting on the defendant’s behalf select the right bond agency for their needs.

Beware of Scams

Unfortunately, there are those who prey on vulnerable people and take advantage of them. Knowing the general fees of bond agents can help you avoid scammers. Bond agency fees are usually between 10% and 25% of the bail fee, depending on the type of crime and stipulations of the defendant’s release. Make sure you understand what your fee pays for.

Researching Bail Bonds Info

If you have asked yourself “how do bail bonds work in California”, then you are on the right path of being an informed citizen. You want to continue your research of reputable bail bond agencies. Check sites like Yelp and Google for reviews. At Sharky & Stephen Bail Bonds, we have perfect reviews and testimonials. 

Best Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are often times the type of thing that you have to learn about in a time of tragedy and hardship. Many people have probably heard about bail, but very few people know how the whole process works. First, let’s talk about what bail is. When a defendant is arrested, a judge can release him or her on bail. Bail simply refers to an amount of money paid to the court so the defendant can remain free during the duration of trial. If bail is not paid, the defendant is incarcerated while awaiting trial. Bail is not always an option for a defendant. 

If a judge considers a defendant to be a flight risk or if the defendant has a history of skipping court dates then the judge will typically order the defendant to be held without bail. If bail is issued, typically a bail bond is required to pay it. So what is a bail bond? A bail bond is issued by a bail bond agent.

How Does The Bail Bond Process Work?

A bail bond allows most people to get their loved ones out of bail. When you or a loved one is in need of bail, typically the amount of bail is too much to pay, which is typically when people turn to a bail bond agent. Bail agents usually require a down payment of ten percent and some sort of collateral, which pays the rest of the bail through a bail bond. This allows you or a loved one to stay out of jail while awaiting your trial. Once the defendant shows up for court and the trial has concluded, the judge gives the bail back to the defendant and the bail bond agent. The bail bond agent keeps the ten percent you gave them in exchange for posting up the ninety-percent needed to get you out of jail. 

If the defendant does not show up for jail, the bail bond agent can come after you and attempt to bring you into court. Sometimes this is done through a bounty hunter, though the laws governing this all vary state by state. If you co-sign a bail bond and the defendant fails to show up to court, you may lose whatever asset or assets you put up for collateral, such as a house or car. It’s very important to think carefully about co-signing a bail bond. If you’re looking for trustworthy bail bond agents to work with who charge low fees and work with bail bonds in Van Nuys, CA then head over to Sharky & Stephen Bail Bonds, a top rated bail bond service.

What Do You If Arrested?

Do you know what to do if you suddenly find yourself in trouble with the law for the first time? Who would you call to help you get out of jail? What if you do not have the money for bail immediately available? Getting arrested, especially for the first time, can be quite scary. Having a plan of action in place just in case, could save you and your family a great deal of trouble and money. Before you choose a bail bonds agent, carefully review all the bail bonds information available to you. You can also call us with any questions, at 818-696-1363.

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Tips For Choosing The Best Bail Company

Tips For Choosing The Best Bail Company

Cheap Bail Bonds Los Angeles

How to Choose a Bail Bond Company

If you are in the position in which you need to enlist the help of a bail bond company for either yourself or a loved one, it can be an understandably stressful and difficult time. At Sharky & Stephen Bail Bonds, we provide you with some answers for all the difficult questions on how bail bonds work. We will also guide you on how to find a bail bond company, and how to choose a bail bondsman. Hopefully this information will help you, and your loved ones during this difficult time.

How Does Bail Work? 

Many people are unfamiliar with how bail and bail bonds work within the American criminal justice system. This can lead to them being taken advantage of by bail bond scammers. Bail is an amount of money set by the judge. Thus, when a defendant pays this bail to the court, they are allowed to remain free during the duration of their trial. If a defendant does not pay their bail, they are forced to remain in jail during the duration of their trial. In some cases, trial can take months.

What Is A Bail Bond? 

A bail bond is used by a bail bond company who pays a percentage of your bail for you. This bail allows you to stay free during the duration of your trial. In exchange for paying your bail, a bail bond company requires that you put a percentage down. Therefore, the bail bondsman usually requires ten percent and sometimes some collateral.

What Should I Look For In A Bail Bondsman? 

When looking for bail bonds in Van Nuys, CA, the reputation of the company is everything. Like with anything, some are good and some are bad. Some bail bond companies have reputations of charging unfair prices, and of being unreliable. These scammer type bail bondsman take advantage of families in their time of need. Likewise, some bail bond companies have reputations of charging affordable prices with low interest rates. At Sharky & Stephen, being reliable and helping people who are in trouble, is what we strive for. 

Inversely, a bail bond company that charges high interest rates and fees is one to avoid. While most bail bond companies will keep a percentage of your bail that you paid to them, that percentage shouldn’t be higher than ten percent. Reading online reviews by people who’ve used a company’s service is a good way to find out how that company treats their customers. 

Contact The Best Bail Bond Company Today

Contact our team for the best bail bond service in town. We’ve helped countless victims and their families by providing emotional and financial support. You’ll soon learn that not all bond agencies are created equally. While it’s true that all perform the same function of bailing out people from jail, there is a lot that goes into selecting the right bond agency for your family. At Sharky & Stephen, we understand that things happen unexpectedly. You need a bond agent who is prepared to act on your loved one’s behalf 24/7. 

Sharky & Stephen Bail Bond Company Reputation

You want to choose a bond agent who has a good reputation within their community. Defense attorneys not only know how bail works in California, but will direct you to a bond agent in Los Angeles who they think has done a great job. Bond agents who work with defense attorneys have a reputation for quality work. Adding to that, a recommendation from a defense attorney that the bond agent has worked with might get you a reduction in fee.

Also, detention officers tend to have a great deal of information and could point you in the direction of a reputable bail bond company. Get to know the detention officers, or have an attorney befriend a detention officer and get the inside scoop on a trustworthy bail bonds company.

Sharky & Stephen Bail Bond Reviews

Other people’s experiences with an agency can tell you a lot. Checking people’s reviews of a bond agency can tell you how a bail bondsman’s process works. It’s easier than ever to research other people’s reviews online with organizations like the Better Business Bureau and Yelp. In addition, agencies also include reviews and testimonials on their website. 

Best Bail Bonds

Why You Should Be Selective With Bail Bondsman

Bond agencies usually charge between 10% and 25% of the bail fee, depending on the type of crime and stipulations of the defendant’s release. Make sure you understand what your fee pays for.

Experience of a Bail Bondsman

Everyone loves receiving a great deal. However, when choosing a bail bond agent, you typically get what you pay for. Bond agents and agencies who have inexpensive fees, of say 5% or less, tend to be less experienced in working with the courts. Bail bondsman that charge a 5% fee or less, could also have hidden fees. Any company with hidden fees is not a good company. Also beware of scam artists pretending to be bond agents, offering deals and changing fee amounts.

Customer Service Reviews For Bail Bond Agent

Reputation, reviews, being open about fees, and experience all come down to customer service. A bail bond agency is a business just like any other, and you should expect the same level of professionalism from them. A bond agency that is available 24/7 understands the delicate needs of their clients, no matter the hour.

When selecting a bail company, know what your needs are. Do you need an agency that is available 24 hours to answer any questions you may have? Will you need an agent who will help you understand the process? Does experience and reputation matter to you? Ask yourself these questions before making the choice. 

Understanding The Bail Bond Process

Once the defendant shows up for court and the trial has concluded, the judge gives the bail back to the defendant and the bail bond agent. The bail bond agent gets to keep the ten percent in exchange for posting up the ninety-percent needed to get you out of jail. If the defendant does not show up for trial, the bail bond agent can come after you and attempt to bring you into court. Sometimes this is done through a bounty hunter, though the laws governing this all vary state by state. 

A bail bond allows most people to get their loved ones out of bail. When you, or a loved one, is in need of bail, typically the amount of bail is too much to pay for most people. So you go to a bail bond agent. After putting down ten percent and some sort of collateral, you pay the rest of the bail through a bail bond. This allows you, or a loved one, to stay out of jail while awaiting your trial.

If you co-sign a bail bond and the defendant fails to show up to court, you may lose whatever assets you put up for collateral, such as a house or car. It’s very important to think carefully about co-signing a bail bond. To that end, if you’re looking for a trustworthy bail bond agent to work with who will charge low fees and work with bail bonds in Van Nuys, then call Sharky & Stephen Bail Bonds now at (818) 696-1363. Sharky & Stephen is a top rated bail bond service.

Suddenly Arrested? Call For Bail Now

Do you know what to do if you suddenly find yourself in trouble with the law for the first time? Who would you call to help you get out of jail? What if you do not have the money for bail? Getting arrested, especially for the first time, can be quite scary. Having a plan of action could save you, and your family, a great deal of trouble and money. Before you choose a bail bonds agent, review a bail bond agent. You can always call us with questions at (818) 696-1363.

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How to Choose a Bail Bond Company

Choosing a bail bond company is something that usually takes place during a stressful time in your life. If either you or a loved one require the services of a bail bond agent, there are a couple of key things to look for when choosing a bail bond company.

How Do I Research Bail Bond Companies?

The first step you take should be research, and that typically involves sites such as Google Reviews, and Yelp. You should compile a list of the bail bond companies in your area and compare them. When you start comparing them, there are a few things you want to keep in mind. A bail bond agent typically works by asking the defendant put down a percentage of the bail set by the judge. After this, the bail bond agent will put up the rest of the funds through a bond. You should ensure that the bail bond companies that you’re researching don’t charge exorbitant and unreasonable fees. The next thing to ensure is that the customers who have utilized their services before have left positive feedback. 

How Do Bail Bond Agents Make Money?

A bail bond agent makes their money through the percentage of the bail that you put down, that they keep after the trial. Some bail bond companies may try to take advantage of you in your time of need and attach high fees to your bail bond. The typical bail bond agent fee is ten percent. A bail bond company with anything higher than that is one you should avoid. Beware of hidden fees, and beware that putting down collateral or having a co-signer are both common practices.

There are sadly a lot of bail bond scammers out there. Due to this, you should make sure to personally verify seemingly basic things like ensuring the company exists and that the address listed actually exists. These are very important things to do, to avoid being scammed. Calling the number listed, and talking to the company, is another way to get a feel for who you’re dealing with. Through basic research, and reading of reviews, you can avoid falling prey to fake or predatory bail bond agents.

Is The Bail Bond Agent That You’re Selecting Legit?

It’s also important to make sure that the company you’re dealing with has insurance. A bail bond company’s insurance license number should be printed on all of their advertisements. If you’re wondering if a bail bond company’s insurance number is valid, and not just one that’s made up, you can go to California’s Department of Insurance website at to make sure that it’s the real deal. If you’re in need of bail bond companies near you, Sharky & Stephen Bail Bonds are a great bail bond service, offering fast and affordable bail bonds. Call us now at (818) 696-1363.

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How to Choose the Right Bail Bondsman

Choosing The Right Bail Bondsman 

Bail bonds are oftentimes the type of thing that you have to learn about in a time of tragedy and hardship either personally or for a friend or loved one. Many people have probably heard about bail, but very few people really know how the whole process works.

First, let’s talk about what bail is. When a defendant is arrested, a judge can release him or her on bail. Bail simply refers to an amount of money paid to the court so that the defendant can remain free during the duration of the trial. If a bail is not paid, then the defendant is locked up while awaiting a trial. For many defendants, bail is not always an option. If a judge considers a defendant to be a flight risk, then the judge will typically order the defendant to be held without bail. That being said, when bail is issued it is typically by a bail bond.

So what is a bail bond? A bail bond is issued by a bail bond agent, that allows people to get their loved ones out of jail. When you or a loved one is in need of bail, typically the amount of bail is too much to pay. With a bail bond agent, you put down ten percent and some sort of collateral. The bondsman pays the rest of the bail for you through a bail bond. This allows you or a loved one to stay out of jail while awaiting your trial.

What To Do If You’re Arrested

Once the defendant shows up for court and the trial has concluded, the judge gives the bail back to the defendant and the bail bond agent. The bail bond agent gets to keep the ten percent you gave them in exchange for posting up the ninety-percent needed to get you out of jail. If the defendant does not show up for jail, the bail bond agent will come after you and bring you into court. Sometimes this is done through a bounty hunter, though the laws governing this all vary state by state. If you cosign a bail bond and the defendant fails to show up to court, you may lose whatever assets you put up for collateral, such as a house or car. 

If you’re looking for trustworthy bail bond agents to work with who charge low fees and work with bail bonds in Van Nuys then head over to Sharky & Stephen Bail Bonds, a top-rated bail bond service.

Contrary to popular belief, not all bail bond agencies are the same. A bail bondsman’s primary objectives are the same in that their goal is to bond out of jail. However, you want to make sure you select the bond agency that’s right for you and your family.

What is a Bond Agent?

Before beginning your search for a California bail bondsman you should understand what a bondsman is. Even though people use bail and bail bond interchangeably, they are not the same. The bail bondsman meaning and how a bail bondsman works aren’t very difficult to understand.

Bail vs Bond

Bail is the money the accused pays to get out of jail. The bond is the written agreement telling the defendant to appear in court. Also, a bond is usually signed on the accused’s behalf by a bond agent. In most cases, the bond agent is paid by the defendant, or family of the defendant, to ensure that the defendant makes their court date.

Surety vs. Federal Bondsman

There are two types of bondsmen: a surety bondsman and a federal bondsman. A surety or general bondsman is a state-licensed agent who can only operate in the state in which they are licensed.

A federal bondsman is licensed by the federal government. An immigration bondsman is federally licensed to post a bond for the release of someone from an immigration detention facility. Federal bonds guarantee that defendants will comply to all conditions agreed upon for his/her bail. These conditions may include drug testing and limited travel or no travel. Federal bonds tend to be more expensive because of the high risk of flight. 

Affordable Bail Bonds

How to Find a Bail Bondsman

There are plenty of bond agents in California. At Sharky & Stephen, we know that the unexpected can happen. The unexpected is what we prepare for, and our bond agents are ready to act to get you out of a tough bind. We want you to know what to look for when searching for the right bail bond agency.


When searching for a bond agency, you want to research their reputation. You want a bond agent who has a reputation for doing good work. Best way to find a reputable bond agent is through defense attorneys. Bond agents who work with defense attorneys have a reputation for quality work. You may even be able to have your fee reduced to 8% through an attorney-referred agency.

Ask detention officers. They can usually point you in the direction of reputable bond agencies. Get to know the detention officers or have your attorney befriend a detention officer to get the inside scoop on a trustworthy bond agency.

Reviews for Bail Bonds Company

While people are more likely to express their displeasure with a business in online reviews, consumer reviews can give you insight into that business. Reading other people’s experiences with an agency can tell you a lot about their customer service and whether or not that agency lives up to what’s written on their website. Check out consumer agencies Like the Better Business Bureau. Also, be sure to check to see if a business is on Yelp or Google Reviews. Most bond agencies will usually include reviews and testimonials on their website.

Before you embark on your search, ask yourself these questions? Do you need an agency that is available 24 hours to answer any questions you may have? Will you need an agent who will help you understand the process? If you’re looking for bail bonds in Los Angeles, Sharky & Stephen have the experience you need in a bond agency to handle a bond quickly and discreetly. 

How Does A Bail Bond Work?

If the defendant does not show up for jail, the bail bond agent can come after you and attempt to bring you into court. Sometimes this is done through a bounty hunter though the laws governing this all vary state by state. If you co-sign a bail bond and the defendant fails to show up to court, you may lose whatever asset or assets you put up for collateral such as a house or car. It’s very important to think carefully about co-signing a bail bond. If you’re looking for trustworthy bail bond agents to work with who charge low fees and work with bail bonds in Van Nuys then head over to Sharky & Stephen Bail Bonds, a top rated bail bond service.

Do you know what to do if you suddenly find yourself in trouble with the law for the first time? Who would you call to help you get out of jail? What if you do not have the money for bail immediately available? Getting arrested, especially for the first time, can be quite scary. Having a plan of action in place just in case something should happen could save you and your family a great deal of trouble and money. Before you choose a bail bonds agent, take a look at some bail bonds information you should understand first.

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